Talofa Lava Everyone! Today is the last day of online school! I am really excited to see everyone at school on Monday. Are you excited? Well, I am and when I return back to school I have a lot of responsibilities to do. I have to do fun games at lunch time with kids, Jump jam practice, and set the hall up for singing assemble before we go home. Today you are reading about my T3 WK 6 Lockdown creations slideshow. My lock down creation slideshow has links to other documents. There is a link to my writings you could read or reading sites as well. My favorite activities on the slideshow was the stage 6 math's breakout and my writing. I liked my writing because you could write about the picture in anyway and I learnt how to do new techniques.
I liked the math's breakout because it was challenging and fun as well. I didn't get to finish it, but at least I got to do it. You can learn as well and if you want to make a slideshow like that then do it. By the way do you like my drawings? Well, if you want to learn how to draw flowers then go to the last slide and click on the link. Here is my slideshow: